So my 15 yr old brother has been in China for almost 2 weeks. He's getting back on Monday, and it's all sorts of exciting to have him back. I feel a little bit guilty that I haven't missed him a little bit more, but he's always been the type to disappear into a back room and entertain himself... so the house has by no means fallen silent without him around. I'm sure his dog will be thrilled to pieces to have him back. The poor puppy has gotten almost no attention the entire time my brother has been gone.
It will be the first time my family is all together in over a month.... which leads to this weird sensation like finally being able to breath when you surface after diving. Ahhhh... we're all together and okay. We can stop having anxious sentences in our prayers hoping that those who aren't with us are safe. I assume it will be the same after we die. One day finally we can all breath deeply... ahhhh we're all together and okay.
I have this interesting little theory in my head. If you think I'm wrong I don't want to hear about it... so keep it to your knowledgeable little self. I think God plans to save all of us. At least everyone who gets far enough to have a body. I think it will just take a little bit longer after life ends to save some people than others. (Or maybe a lot longer). I think He is infinitely patient, and we tend to be fickle. So he can patiently wait for people to get over whatever is hanging them up, without ever getting frustrated and giving up on us or trying to force us into fixing ourselves. He's just ready to help us when we're ready to be helped. As a very human human, I feel like I've been patient after 5 or 6 years of watching someone I love struggle. I tend to feel a bit hopeless at that point. But God maintains a perfect brightness of hope, even after watching people spend their whole lifetime and then bunches of time afterwards stuck in their struggles. I think I could learn from that.
Anyway... based on my theory, I'm assuming that there will come a time (no matter what) when my whole family will get to be together in the hereafter. I'm guessing we may have to wait on a person or two... but we'll all get there. Ahhhh we're all together and okay.
I think so too, Em. I totally think so.
i just got here, to this post, by googling 'linea nigra wilderness'. that's really cool....
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