Sunday, September 03, 2006

When the family gets together

Had a nice visit with Renn's family today. Oliver has now met all of his great grandparents, as Renn's Dad's parents were in town and stopped by. We had almost everyone together at one time (missing Mr Renn and his oldest sister's family who are in Detroit). I got a little camera happy and took hundreds of pictures. Here's a few of my favorites:

Renn's Grandma Mary Ila - who hates being photographed

Renn's Dad

Renn's Sister, Kenzy

Her Husband, Pappa J
Little J, just hanging out
Renn's Mom - muy happ-i-o
Our own Sir Oliver - freshly spit-up upon and yawning like a cutie!
Renn's little brother C, who might call himself "the wild one"
His Fiance - M

and i had a bunch more- but blogger has spontaneously decided that picture posting is going to stop working - sigh -

anyway I was really digging playing photographer today.

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