Sunday, October 29, 2006

In the air

Just because it's not my favorite doesn't mean I don't participate...
Today was a serendipitous Sunday. In church we had our annual primary program, which translates into a whole grundle of small children taking over the choir seats and entertaining us to no end. Between the nose picking, neighbor swatting, loud offkey singing of the wrong words, the dresses pulled up over heads and the kid who proudly announced that being honest made him smarter, and that he loved the scriptures because he got to read about strong guys fighting... it was a grand old time.

We were able to just hang out as a family tonight. It's funny how I have to keep re-realizing that my favorite people to hang out with are my boys.

(Renn's gonna kill me for posting a picture of him in his glasses he's had & hated since forever.. and Oliver's toally grown out of that swaddling blanket but we keep using it anyway...)

We watched a Nova documentary that Renn got from Netflix because he's been studying embryology. It had some cool graphics based on the new 4D ultrasounds, then we watched some awesome short films by Frédéric Back (love him!) Then after Oliver's bath we rounded the evening out with Iron Chef America. I think Renn wants to forget the whole dentist thing and just be the president of Alton Brown's fan club. (kidding, kidding)

With each day that passes I feel a little bit more settled in here, and a little bit more restless about not being entirely settled in. I'm this close to finding my groove and the semblance of a functional daily routine. Oh how I miss structure in my life!

And a side note for anyone remotely crafty:
They have these self-adhesive foam letters at Target for dirt cheap (as craft supplies go).

Yeah for a craft purchase that doesn't give me buyer's remorse!


tracy m said...

1) "Burrito" them babies as long as you can!

2) Can I be VP of the Alton fan club? I have the teeniest crush on him- I think it's the glasses coupled with the nerd-knoledge about things I love...

3) Meh, Halloween- I can take it or leave it...

4) Our Primary program was last Sunday, and Jeff, front row, center, picked his nose the whole time. Proud moment...

5)I'm having that feeling of realizing how much I love my little family and really don't need to be anywhere else, too. It's nice...

6) Yay for Iron Chef America! I love that show, and at least they use foods I recognise- unlike the Japanese one, where evidentally frog eyeballs are the makins' of a fine ice cream!

7) Yay for finding your groove!!

*) I really, honestly DO have a package sitting on my kitchen counter with your name on it... REALLY!! Now, if I could just get to the post office...

Anonymous said...

Cool swaddler thingie! We just use a plain old blanket.

Love Alton Brown! I like Iron Chef America sometimes. I'm also a big fan of the Food Network challenges, but only the pastry and cake ones. The BBQ ones? Not so much. Give me the sweet stuff, baby.

Chantele Sedgwick said...

Yay for crafty things! I am almost done with a baby blanket for my sister-in-law! Then, I am making some more burp rags. I like having things to do. Oliver is getting so big! He is a cute one! We will see if baby #2 has dark hair or not! My little man doesn't have a trace of dark hair on him!
Caden is going to be a lion tomorrow, so we will see how that goes!:) Not the biggest fan of Halloween, but I do like candy....

tracy m said...

Baby #2??? Em, is there something you aren't telling the world at large??

Em said...

Nope - that's Chan's baby #2 on the way - and she's an all 9 month puker like yourself. Good thing they're worth it!

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