Well, Sir Oliver seems to still love me. AND he only woke up once last night(around 3am), but I felt so bad that I went ahead and fished him out of bed and fed him. Hey, baby steps.
And a sign that my intelligence is quickly waning.... today Oliver had his 6 month doctor's appointment, and two shots. My timing was less than ideal, how many tears can I inflict on my Sir O in 24 hours?
This parenting thing is much harder than it looks.
In an attempt to boost my parenting morale I'm turning to all the young-adult novels that made me feel excited to keep-house once upon a time. I read "Anne's house of dreams" and half of "Anne of Ingleside" today. I'm not quite as easily swept into rose-colored-glasses as I used to be, but it still helped.
I hope things are going ok- yeah, the timing with shots is probably not such a hot thing! Keep us all posted out here in the ether...
Sounds like things will be looking up soon, hopefully they already are. You and Sir O are both troopers. And yay for taking a step back and doing some good reading, even if it is only idealistic.
We're dealing with shots and sleeping issues here too.
My mantra lately is that she will soon grow out of it.
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