Monday, May 21, 2007

Makeover Monday: friendliness, for the impaired

You know those uber-nice people? The sort that just seem to have themselves pulled-together so much that they notice all the social dichotomies around them and always seem to say the right thing at the right time? They always know when someone needs to hear something nice, they always notice the lonely people and sit by them and make them feel welcome. On and on and on.

I am very rarely one of those people. Once in a blue moon I have my life in perspective and most of my insecurities are overcome, or at least seem insignificant, and I feel strong enough to be lifting other people up. Those are some really good days.

I am, as a general rule, socially impaired. Social settings render me and my brain pretty useless. I have huge hangups about asking people personal questions. I cannot for the life of me figure out why... and it probably comes across as really snotty disinterest. Ironic, since I'm usually totally interested in people and their stories, I just have an aversion to asking questions about them.

So, this week I am getting outside of myself, outside of my comfort zone, and behaving as interested in other people as I really am on the inside.

Everyone likes to feel interesting, right? Isn't that why we blog in the first place?


tracy m said...

Em, I have to commend you on your amazing make-over goals. These are the best make-over tips ever- we all need to open our heart and step outside our comfort zone more often. You inspire me.

em said...

You can dooooo eeet! :) If Bruce comes back out this summer, I'll have him give us both a how-to seminar, but by then you probably won't need it and you'll have to give ME tips. I always end up feeling like I talk way too much about myself instead of going out of my way to find out about those around me. Great makeover goal--maybe you should also have a "Followup Friday" or something where you post about how your attempts at meeting your Makeover Monday goals went that week. Although I don't know if you want to get into THAT much introspection in a blog :) It'd be interesting for the rest of us, anyway!

Em said...

It would probably be largely a report on my failings. (Which if it wasn't depressing for you to read would at least be depressing for me to write)... but better to aim for the stars and land in the trees, right?

Brittany said...

Em, I gotta tell you that I look forward to your Monday posts. What a good way to look at "makeovers." It has given me a lot to think about, and even more for me to work on! I wouldn't mind reading about how it worked out for you on Fridays too!

aLi said...

I agree with li'l mil. I want to hear how you do with there amazing makeover ideas. Who wants to watch Extreme Makeover without seeing the end result???
amen sista.

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