Saturday, June 02, 2007

Suddenly, this summer

Guess what today is?

Let me be clear though, Oliver wasn't about to take off walking while Mom was around, he waited until I was away at the craft bazaar (which was awesome, btw) to strut his stuff. I'm with him every waking and sleeping moment for weeks on end, and he waits until I'm gone for a couple of hours to start walking. Go Figure. So first thing I did when I walked in the door was to record this for you all.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Oliver!!!!

Deena said...

That was awesome. Are you going to write about the craft bazaar? I wish I could have gone, but 500 miles is a little too far.

tracy m said...

YAY! Isn't that just the best?!

samunwritten said...

Hooray! Way to go, Sir O!

Aubrey said...

How fun! Aww he is such a cutie!

I want one.

Anonymous said...

It seems just yesterday that he was born. And now hes walking!

Katie May said...

Yay! I'm so happy for you all! Independence is just great!

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