Friday, August 10, 2007


Check back -

no time to write!


Ginnie said...

Of coarse you don't have time to write, you're to busy having fun...well at least I hope you're having fun.

samunwritten said...

Ah, I'm so jealous. Boston is definitely on my list of places to see before I die.
You must give details.

Cam said...

Glad to see that Renn knew to wear a Redsocks hat to Fenway Park rather than a Phillies hat. ;) Speaking of Philadelphia, I don't think I have your current mailing address.

ness said...

1. NO ONE is skinnier than you 2. lee probably thinks the picture of renn is almost as cool as the picture of lee wearing a johnny damon sucks shirt at the yankee red sox game- in new york. the security guard made him turn it inside out for fear he would start a fight.

Guinevere said...

Oh, the ducks! I'd restage that photograph if mine could walk!

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