Friday, August 03, 2007


Our Plan A for today fell through, so we decided to make the most of it and take a trip West. Renn's been itching to see Gettysburg since he netflixed the movie, so when I suggested it, he jumped at the chance. 15 minutes later we were packed up and in the car.

In retrospect, we probably should have consulted Sir Oliver about the whole thing. He seems to have been against it from the start. But other than hollering through the first few minutes of a guided tour of Cemetary Hill (we had to excuse ourselves, too bad because it was fascinating)...he was mostly ok.Unknown Soldiers
General Longstreet


Deena said...

Does he rub his wrist back and forth on his mouth while making noise with his mouth?

Em said...

Hmm...maybe? He's usually wiggling so much with his whole body that I hardly pay attention to what the limbs are up to.

aLi said...

I agree with HSF, that pic of Sir O is a keeper (not that any of the other one's aren't, it's just way cool!)
How cool for you to get to see all of that, that would be absolutely intriguing to go there.

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