Thursday, September 13, 2007

From the other end of party planning

One Neapolitan Girlie baby shower:

Miss Gracee graciously sharing her birthday with our party.

The cute prego girlie mammas

(there was also a cute prego mamma of a will-be-boy be well as at least 2 not -yet showing prego mammas of unknowns... but I digress)

See, once it's all over I think it was fun again. And that's why I will always do it again, over and over. Hoorah for being anxiously engaged in good party-planning causes!
I do not make my own fondant. (Although I'd be willing to try sometime....maybe) I buy the block of white Wilton fondant, then knead in coloring and usually some flavoring. Fondant is only intimidating if you feel like you have to make a seamless, perfect cake the first time. Since I'm fine with my cake having oodles of seams, and looking very much homemade, I just follow the directions on the package and play with it a bit. Next time I make one I'll document it better and share the whole process.


tracy m said...

Em, that cake is lovely! And what a lovely shower it looks like!

Deena said...

I love the pink and brown together. Such a great idea! Your cake looks like it took a pretty good hit.

samunwritten said...

You totally inspire me to make an extravagant cake for absolutely no reason.
If I decide to try it, you will be the first to know.

Vanessa and Rebecca said...

so um, I was intimidated by the cake. I now give you the totally not worthy sigh. Wow. wow wow wow. so if I ever throw a party I'm importing you to help. :-)

Melissa said...

What a beautiful table! I love the pinks and browns! So perfect together! Looks like the cake got eaten :)

Ginnie said...

you did an amazing job! Thanks for for throwing the are so thoughtful.

Also, someone left me a little something on my doorstep last wouldn't have anything to do with that would you?

Brittany said...

Looks like you're going to be tutoring all of us on fondant sensations. Looks like a great party! It makes me want to throw one!

Chantele Sedgwick said...

You are so talented! I could never make a cake like that!

aLi said...

*overwhelmed by your talents!* By the way, Josh wants to know how come you are in the know with so many other people that blog, and how you get so many comments!!!

Absolutely Amazing!

Angela said...

The party looks absolutely beautiful! I'm so sad I missed it! Where was it held? I don't recognize that deck at all. So much seems to be changing back that way. Sometimes I'm lonely for my PA life.

Kori said...

What an amazing cake. I am dieing for an excuse to throw a party and try something like that. The shower looked way fun. Tell Linds "Hi!" for me. I can't wait to hear their little pink bundle of joy is here.

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