Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Sorry about the dry spell folks, Sir O has started the "climbing stage" and my life as I knew it has ended.

We have a smart cookie on our hands.

He has not only figured out how to climb onto the kitchen chairs and then the kitchen table (in .07 seconds), but he has also figured out that he can scoot a climb-able object over to a non-climb-able object and be able to reach just about anything he wants (i.e. here comes trouble)

And today at dinner he insisted on blowing on each bite of dinner before eating it. Somebody has been paying attention (to his mommy who always warms his food up too long).

And he's on the verge of adding "ducky" to his vocabulary (of "daddy")

The 7 minutes of tentative peace each day I get are entirely due to Baby Einstein. Sir O has started dancing to "the wheels on the bus".....because he's seen the "On the Go" DVD at least 100,000 times by now. (And here's my not-so-successful attempt to show you)


Deena said...

So my sister and I are intrigued about what Oliver's bottom half is sticking out of in that first picture.

Em said...

that would be a {tiny} doggie door at the house of a ward-member where we watched (or at least took turns watching) a session of conference.

tracy m said...

Uggggh! We're in the same boat right now- egad, I can't keep Abby off the furniture! She has learned to push chairs around, she gets up on the dining room table if I turn my back for a flash- and then swings the chandelier around! I'm pulling my hair out!!

Vanessa and Rebecca said...

giggle! ok I literally busted out laughing when I saw Oliver's bottom half sticking out. Hee hee. I am soooo sorry about that stage. I seemed to have missed that stage with my kids. I'm going to jinx myself with this next one. yikes!! My niece however would pull out the kitchen drawers and use them as steps to climb on the counters and into the cupboards.

aLi said...

That is Sir O's bottom half??? He looks like a grown man (hee hee), I honestly thought it was Renn with some short legs (those huge feet tricked me). What a funny boy. And I am so sorry that he is INTO EVERYTHING! Don't you wish you could just lock them in a cushioned room and let them go nuts? But then, that wouldn't be fun because where's the exploring aspect of that?

Cam said...

I agree. You are in trouble, especially if Oliver plans to attempt to stand on cylindrical items such as the liquid dispenser shown in one of your photos. Think lumberjack log balancing contest. Better outfit him now with a sturdy helmet. ;>

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