Friday, December 14, 2007

lifting off in 10...9...8...7...

Sir O was in HEAVEN today. (and this lovely shade of blue is proof that Mr Renn doesn't check camera settings before firing away)

He was a gracious little gift-receiver. Each present got lots of ooh's and aaahhs. I loved it.
Mr Renn on the other hand, wasted no time telling me which gifts would have to be returned....
made me a titch ornery.
Oh well.
T minus x# hours until our flight. We have 2, count 'em 2 layovers. Meaning a) - we're going to make a flight pattern of a loop-de-loop, and b) it is going to be one long slog of a day..... for all of us. 12 hours of it. Why don't we just go to Europe for Christmas? Oh wait, I remember why.
Let's just hope we don't sit by any "spawn of satan" types.... I'm really not up for it. And Sir O, I can promise you, is going to throw at least a half-dozen tantrums. He's recently discovered the power of arching your back and flailing your limbs while screaming like a little girl. The novelty hasn't worn off yet and he's always looking for opportunities to hone his craft.
Good luck wishes, prayers, and positive vibes are all appreciated.


Angela said...

Congrats on getting your husband back. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

We will miss you guys! WHy did Renn want to take back the presents? I absolutely hate it when kids arch their back. Good luck! Merry Christmas!

ness said...

good girl- i finally did some blog checking and loved the hubby tag. good luck tomorrow. we also leave tomorrow and i'm flying with THREE KIDS. oh my.

Methodical Wormer said...

Good luck on the flight! It can be so nerve racking. Thank goodness Renn will be with you. Say lots of prayers and think calm thoughts.

Ginnie said...

Good luck, we'll miss you! I'm anxious to hear an update on the how the flight went.

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