Thursday, December 06, 2007


I never thought I'd become such a homebody. It's amazing the power of influence that economics has.
I found myself in a nice social environment tonight and I felt strangely naked. It wasn't the "wait, shouldn't I be baby-toting?" naked that I've noticed before. It was a "holy-cow, I am boring...... incapable of engaging conversation..... sad" kind of naked.
I've got to get out more.
Somehow I've got to have something to talk about on the rare occasions that I actually get to try.


Anonymous said...

Oh are so funny. I think you are a very intresting person and enjoy being around you!

tracy m said...

You all know this is normal, right? When we have little kids and are basically human napkins, it just happens. Since I'm basically headed out of this human napkin phase in the forseeable future, I can see my brain gradually returning. It'll happen for you too!

Ginnie said...

someone once said (and that someone was you) that sometimes it's good to be quite, then you don't ever say something you might regret. Or in my case, make a fool out of yourself. Sometimes I wish I could learn to be quite.

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