Saturday, January 19, 2008

pieces of us of late

Certainly didn't get weepy over taking the Christmas tree down (two+ weeks ago) but taking down the Christmas cards is getting me a bit more emotional. I love LOVE Christmas cards. My omnivorous take on NieNie's whole wheat pizza.
Because let's face it, not only am I not feeding vegetarians, I've got picky eaters on my hands. Mr. "I love my cars, I will drive them over anything and I will do it all day long"
My extremely cluttered buffet. I had this idea that if I covered the glass with craft paper, you couldn't see the cluttered inside of the cluttered cupboards on the cluttered buffet.
My first rough attempt with 12x12 sheets. I didn't like it very much.
So I cut the sheets into 5x4.5 pieces and mixed it up a bit. I think it's growing on me. Too bad the rest of the buffet is still as cluttered as ever.
We've been needing new bookshelves for.... well pretty much since we got married (4 years ago). And with the help of my piano money, I finally threw a big enough fit to make it happen. (Thank you Costco, for carrying solid wood bookshelves for cheap, even if we {Mr Renn} had to drive to Delaware to find them in stock)
So as of today there are NO BOOKS ON THE FLOOR. Well, except the ones that Sir O puts there...... continually. Ah well, baby-steps.


Chantele Sedgwick said...

I LOVE those bookshelves! I want some nice ones like that when we move! Your buffet looks so cute! I love the paper in the glass!

Deena said...

When I toss my Christmas cards, I usually cut out the picture part of the card and save those on the fridge for a while longer. I love seeing my friends when I go back for seconds.

amyorr said...

Hey! Your bookshelves are very nice! Good find!

Ginnie said...

I really like your new bookshelves. I second amy, great find!

Anonymous said...

Those bookshelves are really, really nice! I like the paper on the glass all mixed up like a quilt.

A friend suggested a way to keep Abby from emptying our bookshelves- which she did constantly. Jam the books in the shelves she can reach so tightly she can't budge them. It works! It may not look pretty, but neither is picking up books 109 times a day...

Brittany said...

Wow you filled those right up! I'd say you needed them!

Anonymous said...

That is awesome! Congrats!

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