The moral of the story is never never never ignore a posted sign, even if you've been told it's ok to ignore it. Because you might get unlucky.... my unluck has been known to rub off on people.
I have discovered a (new) crazy-ought-to-be-illegal towing ring in good ol' Norristown, PA. They have a guy who hangs out in front of Dunkin' Doughnuts and watches for people to park there (only parking lot for blocks, and the adjacent street says no parking Fridays from 9-noon), and as soon as he sees them head in any direction other than the Dunkin D's... he calls his buddy the tow-truck driver. By the time you cross the street, read the sign inside the WIC office that says "don't park at Dunkin' D's" and cross the street again, your car will be gone.
Then the hang-out guy will offer to give you a ride to the place where your car is being towed.... 12 blocks away. You will freak out, because there is no car-seat.... but those are some gritty blocks to be walking with no protection. Once you are in the car (hyperventilating over the lack of car-seat) he will inform you they don't take cards and drop you off at an ATM, then you will STILL BEAT YOUR CAR TO THE IMPOUND LOT. And they will charge you $210 THAT YOU DON'T HAVE BECAUSE YOU'RE a POOR PERSON WHO'S ON WIC to get your car back.
If you're like me, you will be too reserved to give them any lip, like the lovely pickings of gangsta- humanity that are also at the impound lot trying to get their cars back. You will also be too busy praying that nobody whips out a gun.
You will then proceed to spend 20 minutes finding a nice, legal parking spot, and cry all the way through your WIC appointment.
I tell you what, I don't recommend it.
There are much better ways to spend $210 that you don't have.
Say goodbye to my hopes for the OuterBanks trip. *sob*
I have no other words than, "I am so sorry." I am in awe. I'm sorry, Emily. :(
Oh Honey! I'm so sorry! Yikes.
Oh my gosh... Emily I cant believe that! You have had THE WORST luck with WIC and other things of that sort. Im sooo sorry.
So sad. Especially for the possibility of missing the Outer Banks.
I'm sorry about your crappy luck.
I do like your new brown polka dots.
Yes, those tow truck drivers are total crooks. At work, we get impounds from all the student housing like it's going out of style. They'll tow your car as you're walking away from it.
So sorry you had to deal with them and their twisted world. It truly is awful.
Sending hugs to you! I am so sorry about your horrible experience! I love your new background though!;)
These "thugs" were towing cars that got stuck in the snowstorm two nights ago - so by the time the owners could get back the next morning to try and get them dug out, they were gone! Dozens of them!
We had a very similar experience at the Philadelphia airport one Christmas. Rob got out of our car momentarily, at 5:00 a.m. might I add, to help me and the kids get into the airport with our stuff. There was absolutely no one at the airport. When he returned a tow truck guy was just starting to lift our car up onto his truck. He wanted $100 CASH in 3 minutes or he was going to impound our car. Rob had a final that day. I begged and cried and pleaded and tried to appeal to the humanity in this unhuman tow-truck man, but with no luck. Rob made a mad dash to the nearest ATM and $100 cash later (which you know the jacka** pocketed-- opps did I almost say that?) and a $50.00 ticket from the crooked cop behind him, Rob was on his way to get ready for his final and I was crying as our airplane departed.
I am SO very sorry. I don't have any love for tow truck drivers.
That has happened to me many a times....So I completely understand and sympathize. Love you Em!
I can't believe that... actually, I guess I can. That makes me so mad. I totally would have been crying as well.
wow, what a scumbucket to do that to a poor starving college student's wife and child. I am sorry for you!!! I pray that never happens again for you!
That is the worst thing! People are so mean. I'm sorry!
A similar thing happened to me in Provo! Except it was a Burger King lot and they did the same thing, if they saw that you didn't go into Burger King they would call the tow truck. I had to pay $100 while my friend who was parked right next to me, got off on some fluke. I think they put the wrong date or time or something on her ticket so she argued and they let her off! I'm so sad that you don't get to go to Outer Banks because of this!!!
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