Then I had a day or two to do everything I've been thinking I needed to do while I was in Utah, which turned out to be about 4 days worth of errands. BUT despite my harried-ness I had a great visit with the fam, and Oliver looooved all the attention and playing with his cousin.
In fact, he loved it so much that he has been a pain in the rear since we got back home. Well, not really. Only at bedtime. The past 3 nights it has taken 2 hours to get him to sleep. He started crawling out of his crib (and hurting himself) and HATES the idea of being in it. Lots of screaming. Not fun. Where did this come from, really?
While Sir O and I were away, Mr Renn's parents have been here visiting. (Hence Sir O is really not yet experiencing a normal level of attention) They've been all around, visited D.C. and braved our laundry room. This morning they all went Shady-Maple-ing without me because I had a quarterly primary activity. (Mr Renn sent me this camera-phone-picture so I wouldn't feel too left out)
And that's a good portion of what's been up. Clearly I'm forgetting large bits of it, but that's what happens when you get behind in your documenting.
Happy Mother's Day Eve, all!
Traveling is always so crazy. I hear you. Yikes! Sir O crawling out of his crib! That is not good news. I hope things can get back to normal for you soon.
OH wow, crawling out the crib IS a bummer. My sympathies and prayers for you and Oliver's safety. Yikes! And Happy Mother's Day (Eve) to you Emily.
Hes just learning all these things from Cole...
Oliver taught Cole to pretend hes hungry to get out of going to bed
Cole taught Oliver to just climb out!
This is so exciting!Congratulations Mr. Renn! Also, Happy Mother's day Em!
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