Friday, May 30, 2008


Mr Renn is organizing his new "cart" at school. Apparently today is "pimp my cart" day and they boys went in full of plans to create faux rims on their wheels and maybe add some flames on the side. Apparently your cart is a status symbol, (telling all the other student dentists what a cool student dentist you are?)
Personally, I don't get it. But a full day of Mr Renn's life has been devoted to it.


Anonymous said...

Oh man! If I wasn't 3000 miles away, I would TOTALLY paint flames on his cart for him!!

Anonymous said...

What is with those silly boys. :) I love Tracy's idea for flames on it.

aLi said...

Hey Em, my suggestion is those blue undercarriage lights. Those are pretty cool. He might get a higher status with those. :)

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