Tibor Gergely's Great Big Book of Bedtime Stories. 2 stories just about trains: Tootle, and The Little Red Caboose. Plus lots and lots of stories with pictures of animals and automobiles. That's all it takes to be popular at our house.
Sir O has proven capable of pouring over it for almost an hour. Hooray for passing on a piece of my childhood. I wish my book were in better shape though, the cover is currently completely detached from the body of the book. The only thing I know to do is go at it with packaging tape. Speaking of which, guess what Sir O did to the board-book we left in his crib the night before last?
Explain that, will you?

All too familiar! I cannot even count the amount of books that my Maddie has destroyed...and, packaging tape has been my only answer....wish I could help!
Aww! What a wonderful thing to pass down! And I'm sad to report that Peanut enjoys pulling her books apart, too. Grr. All the books I've bought over the last year or so have been kept safely on a shelf and we read them together. The ones that are already in hopeless shape are still free game.
I had Tootle the train when I was little! Memories.:) My kids were never really into tearing books apart for some reason. I have saved a few books that my family has tried to throw away with packaging tape as well.
i love tootle!! that was a staple growing up. in fact, so were a good portion of the "lil' golden books". and while i was never closely attached to a compilation like yours, i think it's fantastic that you still have yours, and i'm happy that sir o likes it. keep it up!
oh I loved those books and had forgotten all about them!
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