Sunday, January 04, 2009

As it happens

Sometimes Sir O will do something ingenious in front of people.
Then Mr Renn will say something along the lines of "oh that's going to make the blog for sure."
But you see, he has no intentions of actually blogging it.
So I guess it's up to me to keep him from being a liar, isn't it?
Such was the case today when Thomas learned to play the piano.


Brittany said...

Good luck with the big day tomorrow! We'll keep you guys in our prayers. I'm sure Sir O will be a great big brother. Can't wait to see the new arrival!

Anonymous said...

Hee hee! I didn't know Thomas could play.

Deena said...

That's awesome. I can't wait to show that to my nephew.

The Perry family said...

This was great! I still had to watch even though I had experienced first hand. Nice Sir O.

Cam said...

A future piano virtuoso if I ever saw one!

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