February in PA makes me ornery.
But being at home with all my boys makes me happy. Even if Sir O is set off to inconsolable tears at the drop of a hat. You'll never convince me that girls are moody and boys are not. It simply has not been my experience in life.
We finally secured a sling that the Captain approves of. He refuses to sleep anywhere else actually. My back is considering mutiny.
The Captain and I have twinner baby acne. It's pretty cute.
I'm sorry the sling is giving you backaches. At least it's letting Captain G sleep. A girl at church had a baby wrap I think I'll try with this next one to help disperse some of the weight. I saw a tutorial for something similar here if you want to give it a try. It's little to no sewing which makes it extra easy.
The sling is actually comfy, it's just wearing it 20 hours a day that causes problems.
I have a wrap one, but the Captain doesn't like it... plus it's a pain to put on and off every time I have to feed him.
that's actually quite a nice smile on sir o in the first picture. especially for an ornery sick boy.
as for the captain, he looks great in the sling. very happy, for sure.
(the weather in utah isn't anything stellar right now, either--you aren't missing much)
mmmmm, donuts.
your 2 boys are SO handsome. Say hi to Renn from Josh. and me, too. Oh, and Renn is handsome, too. :)
I agree with moody boys. My little girl isn't too bad,(more of a drama queen) but Caden will be so happy and then be freaking out the next second! It is snowing a ton today. So. Sick. Of. The. Cold. I am ready for Spring!
Oh I am so with you on the moody boys!! They throw worse temper tantrums than any girl I have seen. Graham is so cute and Oliver is getting so big. We can't wait to see you guys when you come down. Oh and your Valentine card is so cute. I wish I was the crafty. It definatley is not in my genes. Hope you all are well. We miss ya and Love ya.
Poor Sir O and poor mom. Glad Renn was there to help you. There's nothing worse than being stuck inside, sick and stir crazy.
I vote February as the worst month of the year. At least its shorter than the others. blech.
You sounds so positive! I would be on the verge of a meltdown if I had a brand new baby and a sick toddler waking up in the middle of the night. I admire you so much! And you have the cutest babies ever!
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