Monday, November 23, 2009

Sir O is made of springs.

And amidst his declarations that he jumps like a frog - I am talking like one. Stubborn cough/phlegm thing going on inside of me.
I know I probably ought not share his underoo self, but while we are mostly home-bound and potty training, it was all I could do to get him to put those on.


Lizzie said...

Sarah is spring loaded too!

I don't discourage it either! How else is she supposed to get energy out when we are stuck in the house... but then it makes it really hard to control her when we visit others homes that DON'T let their kids climb. Awkward dilemma!

aLi said...

he kind of reminds me of Wolverine in this. His hair first sparked the idea. (Then I laughed to myself when I thought about the part in the movie where Wolverine runs around naked!)

--jeff * said...

your very own tigger!

The Hodges Family said...

Adorable! Love it!

Krystal said...

You have got to be the best mom. Everyday is full of new ideas and more fun then most kids get to have. So cute!

Chell said...

too funny, so did you set up the pillows like that or did he?

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