Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The mother of invention

I've been itching for a toy-storage solution since well before Christmas. And because I had something like this in mind, I could never talk Mr Renn into it. He is not in the mood to be buying furniture 4 months before a cross-country move.

So the toys kept spilling into the corners of the house, and I kept feeling frustrated.

Then one day, after a particularly sad bout of looking for used expedits on craigslist (where they are still not cheap), I happened to be walking through our laundry room, and I noticed the broken dresser filled with cigarette butts that had long been there with new eyes.

So, after 10-20 screws, wood glue, a bottle of pinesol, and a bucket of elbow grease this is our FREE solution.
toy storage

It still sort of smells like an old man, but otherwise I think it's slightly brilliant.

toy storage

I might just look for another dresser for the same purpose (to keep) someday.

toy storage

(In which case I would probably give the dresser a facelift, but since this one is certainly only living with us a few months I cannot justify it).

toy storage


Anonymous said...

What an awesome solution! Elbow grease is worth its weight in gold when you are short of cash.

hairyshoefairy said...

Awesome! Free is always nice. It looks like it will do nicely. I'm glad you found it.

P.S. We have those trains, too.
P.S.S. I got your note in the mail today. It totally made my day. :)

Deena said...

That is such a great idea. I might steal it.

Tracy M said...

Hooray!! That's the kind of thing I always like!!

Bryce and Miranda said...

Looks great!Way to think. I passed that dresser many times and would never think it could look so good or be so useful.

Carolanne said...

Absolutely Brilliant!

Devon said...

Oh, I think that's perfect! What a great idea. Toys are the bane of my existance most of the time...so I hope your new way to put them away helps! And congrats on Utah! We're excited for you, but sad that you're leaving!

--jeff * said...

that is excellent.

Krystal said...

I've always said if anyone can do it, it would be you. I mean you really can do it all. You got some amazing making skills in every area of life. Nice job! By the way Congrats on going to UT! Thats got to be be the next best thing to heaven if you ask me. I mean coming from the good old Colony...to that it's got to be. Really though that is so fun, nice, and good for all of you. Enjoy the next few months it's hard to believe it but you really do miss the place once your gone. Tell Mr. Renn good luck with boards, and nice job on the match up with the "U".

shelley said...

Brilliant! I'm going to keep that one in mind for the future...

K-Krew said...

Such a great idea - I'm a fan of closed storage. And thanks again for letting us have the mtg at your house today.

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