Between moody/hormonal/exhausted spells, I've been keeping myself busy out my ears with projects. I suppose I like inventing work for myself, but I think I'd like it better if someone else was funding it all. Ce la vie.....
In all fairness, I should mention that those moody/hormonal spells are getting increasingly volatile. Send my poor husband your condolences if you get a minute. Living with me is none fun right now, but just imagine being me.
Someday sooner or later I will arrive at a state of "done" with this nursery and have something to show for all my absenteeism. Maybe.
Wow, everythig you have been doing looks so wonderful. I am so anxious to see it done! I love the colors you have picked out. I bet you are exhausted!
I love seeing all the fun projects you've been working on. It lets me decorate vicariously through you since I can't do much decorating in the kids' rooms.
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