Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Home Soil

I appear to have a typical reaction to strong pain-killers in that they turn my brain to mush.  (Combined with postpartum hormones it's an especially mushy mush).  I've tried at least 4 times to sit down and compose something sweet and all that comes out is an abrasive parade of statistics and facts.  I do hope this improves as my pain goes down and I can function sans popping pills like clockwork.  (But as I'm currently dealing with milk-coming-in-ness, pain is still ever present).

Something sweet is definitely in order.
I did, after all come home to:

welcome home sign - made by Mr Renn and Sir O

welcome home sign - made by Mr Renn and Sir O

welcome home sign - made by Mr Renn and Sir O

welcome home flowers from Mr Renn

welcome home flowers +Kouing-aman wrapper

yes, that is the wrapper from my kouing-aman.  
I ate it before I had a chance to take a photo.

Mr Renn picking us up from the hospital to go home:
(he was on duty with the boys at home and didn't get to spend much time at the hospital with us).
heading home

heading home

I shall try to collect my scattered powers of coherency and record this whole experience as soon as possible. Hope you're in the mood to indulge me!


hairyshoefairy said...

Sorry about the still-in-pain but but hooray! You're home! With a sweet baby! And you had kouing aman! Good luck with all the pill popping.

Rachel said...

Congratulations Em, I can't wait to meet him at Thanksgiving time!

Cam said...

We are most grateful that our prayers were answered and both you and Elliot are well and back home. Your focus is on your family, as it should be. The rest of us can wait patiently for updates as you have time for them.

The Libutti Family said...

Indulge us! Indulge us! :) Thinking of you and baby.

Stina said...

I'm excited to hear how it went, and so glad you're all doing great! LOVE YOU!

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