So - figuring I have another parent around this weekend to even up the score a little bit, we ventured out today. My sister was performing at the Kaysville Nativity Celebration, so after drilling Sir O on what a nativity is, and why he was not to touch anything, we braved the display of several hundred nativities from around the world.

Happily we didn't break any. Sadly that is not because Sir O refrained from touching things. There may have been some manic behavior by both the preschooler and his parents.

Once we migrated to the chapel to see the performance Sir O got even antsier. I let him play with the camera for a while to keep him quiet, and now I know why he was so bored. Poor kid couldn't see a thing.

Later on Mr Renn and I went on our first real date in a long while.

I bought us tickets to the Messiah Sing-in at Abravanel Hall for Mr Renn's Birthday, and after we scored free parking we figured that our date was no more expensive than going to a movie (not that we ever do that either....) Here we are with the infamous Chihuly sculpture. We had such a great time that now we're trying to remember why we don't do this more often. Other than cost prohibition, why don't we?

Hey Em! Your hair looks so terrific short, and I especially like the curls. They have a classy 1940s feel to them!
I would love to see you, but two things inhibit me from inviting you and your young men. First is that my family has a cold running around, and I wouldn't want to expose your youngest to it. Secondly I would love to meet you half way sometime, maybe at the aquarium or something, with all our kids after Hazel is born so its not so much of a drive for you! But thanks for the offer, I appreciate it!
em.... some day i would like to make a book of just the photography on your website. the disgruntled shot of sir o, his p.o.v. at the concert, and so many more are brilliant documentary photographs of real life, and i love that you capture them, recognize them (although i suspect you don't fully recognize their value and insight) and that you share them with just enough commentary to give us the context.
i hope you are enjoying your journey, because you are in beautiful territory. : )
Hey you cut your hair! Cute! I always loved your hair short. Also I know it is hard getting out of the house with three kids. I attempt it now and then. Its sometimes great and sometimes chaos. But I agree, it has to happen or we would go stir crazy.
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