There's a wild and destructive streak to them that I cannot wrap my brain around, let alone figure out how to accurately anticipate.
Why, for example, would anybody think it was a good idea to pour syrup all around the living room while mom's in the shower? WHY?!
Anyway, despite the crazies, we've been trying to create some fun. On Saturday we visited the lights at Thanksgiving Point and topped it off with an ice cream sundae. The boys' favorite part was getting to sit in the front seat while we drove through at 0.8 miles per hour. And I left the memory card at home. Again. That's 4 times in 10 days. If I were my boss I'd fire me.
(somebody else's image from here)
Sunday afternoon brought all my siblings except our missionary over. We watched the First Presidency Christmas Devotional, then we had a bit of a foam-gingerbread-house-building competition. My mom had picked up some kits after Christmas last year, and with adult+child teams it was pretty entertaining. I seem to always do better at enjoying myself in settings where there is at least one adult for every small crazy person.

I remembered at 11pm last night that today would be St. Nicholas day. This year St. Nicholas' offerings look suspiciously like the Halloween candy I had to confiscate a month ago.

Today doesn't bring a great deal of excitement for the kids though we did attempt our first batch of Christmas cookies. I wanted something simple and fun, so we attempted these Jello cookies. We were doing fine until it was time to form the cookies on the baking sheet. Suddenly both the Captain and the Gentleman were wailing, and Sir O couldn't stop touching the formed cookies, so I had to make each one at least twice. If I make these again I think I'd roll the dough into a tube and freeze it so I can just slice the dough into cookies and bake them later. (When I don't have 3 children all needing all of my attention).

Tonight, however, is exciting. I managed to squeeze into a wreath-making class at Red Butte Gardens, AND I managed to talk some loved ones into watching the kids so I can go. I've missed my floral design classes at Longwood something fierce, so I am anticipating a blissful, uninterrupted evening.
oh Emily - I am so happy to read that you (in all that you have going on) remembered St. Nikolaus Day! ... you do much better than Mark ... after ten years he still doesn't remember it until he can't get his foot in his boots in the morning dark before he rushes off to work. =) ... so for yet another year St. Nikolaus came to everyone, except the one who made him cross the ocean in the first place - how is that for irony? - though i like it that way.
Looks like awesome times! You sure have your hands full! We miss you!
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