Tuesday, March 15, 2011

38 years, and every one means something

You may or may not have seen this before:

This picture of my grandpa and my aunt was taken 38 years ago this week.  After more than 5 years as a POW, he came home to kids who had grown up without him.  Despite the part where I wasn't born yet, I can't help feeling like it was an important day for my life.  And despite the thousands of times I've contemplated it, I've never managed to feel I've wrapped my brain around the whole thing.  It's just too big, and the repercussions ripple out far beyond my cognizance.  But I'm certain that God was in it; He's in all hard things and waits for us to learn that love doesn't just mean soft and easy pleasant things.  Love is often born in a crucible.  Refiner's fires are often the only way we can become what we didn't know we were capable of.  Wisdom, patience, charity, and dignity are usually cultivated during the least pleasant experiences of mortality. If we are willing.
(My dad, and his dad - same week)


Carolanne said...

What a great photo! You put things so well. Beautiful post.

pepper said...

Perfect photo, I love the one with your dad too... what a powerful story.

hairyshoefairy said...

Those photos express so much. I get a bit teary just looking at them. Thanks for sharing, Em.

Ashley said...

What AMAZING photos. Truly beautiful. What a powerful story. Thanks for sharing.

shelley said...

Whoa! What a story. And what a legacy for your boys.

--jeff * said...

you shared part of this story with me many years ago (in screenplay format) but i really appreciated this post.

and yes, seriously amazing photograph.

i'm now going to take some of the pearls you've shared here and apply them to my own situation.

keep writing, em.

Angela said...

Thanks for sharing your insights into God's love. I really needed that perspective. I love reading your blog.

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