Friday, August 12, 2011

Hanna Reunion

Soundly putting away my pandora's box, I'll move into the safe waters of .... camping.  With boys.  And rocks. And lots of dirt.

Every 2 years we have a family reunion at a family-owned campground near Duschesne.   I have never in my life been overly-fond of camping.  But this campground has sleeping cabins with real beds and electricity, showers in the bathrooms, and a refrigerator and sink under a covered pavillion, so it's like camping without all the things I dislike about camping.  I don't have to be distracted the whole time about how dirty I feel or how poorly I slept.  Win!


Despite injuring themselves about every 2 hours, my boys were in heaven.  (Although when Sir O split his lip wide open we had extended tears) Communing with nature always brings out extra joy in them.  Extra time with their dad's undivided attention, even better.





And I found I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed the company of my family.  Really, to an incredible extent.  Belonging to a family circle of people who love and support you, despite all of your and their idiosyncrasies and foibles, is really a lovely thing.  I'd be happy to share them with anyone who needs that kind of love in their life.  You let me know.  No shortage of love in this family, even if we're all weirdos.  And we've got some impossibly good scum players.


(what happens when Sir O dresses himself - that's a 2t shirt someone handed-down to the Capt.)

And, like all group outings, I got comments about people "making the blog".  Such is my life.  So, let's introduce you to my 2 biggest fans.  These are the GG's.  And I love them.  And they made the blog.


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