Friday, February 17, 2012


February has historically been a bear of a month for me.  Stir-craziness and gloomy weather.  Somehow I seem to have graduated this year.  In what once felt like the vast expanse of February I have tried to fit in a blog redesign (coming....eventually), completing a super time-intensive course related to said blog redesign, a short-notice wedding (flowers - tomorrow!), an evening floral-design course, a renewed commitment to my two eternal new-years-resolutions (scriptures and exercise),  accepting some other small floral and design assignments from my church, trying to be regulars at library story time, and helping our Captain adjust to his new speech class.

line design

Somehow, there are no moments left to bemoan the weather.

In fact I find I'm pushing the envelope on how much I can possibly get done each day.  How little sleep will my body allow me function with?  How much supervision do my children actually require?  (It varies wildly)  How quickly can a clean house implode?  Without intending to, I find out what the limits are every day.

In between moments, my brain races and ponders and I sometimes have thoughts worth thinking.  But the bursts are always curtailed before I get a chance to create something meaningful or coherent out of them.  My existence seems a study in interruption lately.

But reflection always reminds me that life is good.  And life isn't just good because it is smooth.  (Though I'm setting a record in my life for the length of a smooth stretch -and I knock on wood).  Life is good because God is good.

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