Friday, May 25, 2012

hops and skips

Back in April my dear, dear friend Ari came for a visit.  We hadn't seen her since before our Captain was born, and it was lovely to catch up.  Unfortunately, her visit coincided with some of the worst of my hyperemesis and she got to see both my parenting and my housekeeping at their very rock bottom.  My kids were all certain to showcase their worst behavior too. It's nice to have a friend that you think will still love you after all that.


Since I felt like death the whole time, I took a whopping 3 photos of their week+ long visit, but Ari took bunches and I'm hoping I get to see them someday.  Right after her visit with us she had to deal with moving her family into a new home in Massachusets and another trip to Germany to visit her family.  (All while transitioning into the 3rd trimester of pregnancy).  We felt awfully lucky she managed to squeeze us in, and my boys were permanently enchanted with her darling son Kai.  He falls right between Sir O and the Captain, and put them both to shame with his good behavior.  They ask me quite regularly when they'll get to see him again.


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