You know, you would think that an uneventful doctor's appointment would translate to an uneventful visit to the doctor's office, wouldn't you?
Bright spot - baby's heart still sounds fantastic, and I am getting rounder at a textbook rate. All signs point to healthy baby and healthy-enough mama.
As I'm making my appointment for next month (glucose tolerance test... yeah!) Something in some computer system somewhere glitches and I am told I can no longer deliver at the hospital I was planning on. I am told I will have to deliver at hospital B, which does NOT make me happy. I had my heart very much set on hospital A. I, however, am far from fluent in the languages of insurance, so I cry my eyes out (remember I'm chug-full of pregnancy hormones and cry easily, so something that would normally make me cry anyway REALLY gets to me now). Mr. Renn and I hurry home and lay out all the cards on the table in front of my ever-wise mother (in regards to all things health-insurance related). She runs a hospice, she talks to insurance people all day, she knows the lingo. So my mother and I spent the next 3 HOURS on the phone with various persons straightening the whole thing out. Good news is I'm back at hospital A. Bad news is I can never get those 3 hours back. Good news is my mom is wonderful. So glad she was at home recovering on a day like today.
If only I could get my eyes to stop being puffy. They'll inflate in 2 seconds flat, but they take half a day to deflate.
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