Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Well, my blog page does not appear to be working.... so is there a point to posting? Who knows.

You know what's rough? Public restroom at work is rough. Being forced to use a public restroom for 9+ hours a day while dealing with pregnant body issues (dysfunctions...) is rough. I'm swearing never again....

I've never been a big fan of public restrooms anyway - in a Raphael Poulain sort of a way.

Today I really just want a bathroom to myself....

Tomorrow is my next Doctor's appointment and after this I start the every 2 weeks regimen. Other than not looking forward to the "drink this sugar with some water in it and then let us draw your blood" funfare, I'm pretty excited. Doctor's appointments feel sort of like milestones. I've accomplished something, so I get to go to the Doctor again. I've managed to add 5 inches and 7 lbs since my last visit.... and considering how behind I was on the lbs, that really is an accomplishment!

1 comment:

I Beg To Differ said...

Ugh public washrooms ... give me the comfort and 'privacy' of my own bathroom any day!

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