Memorial Day has always been what it is supposed to be for my family. Every year for as long as I can remember we would go out to the Tooele Cemetary (about an hour drive) where most of my mother's family is buried, and I could take you right to the spots we always visit. I haven't always done a good job of paying attention to the memorializing part. I never knew most of the people they visit, so I wasn't usually that interested in listening to my grandma and her sisters talk about them. I feel REALLY BAD about that now. Sometimes we would also go to the Farmington Cemetary where a lot of my dad's family is buried, and to a cemetary in Salt Lake City where my Dad's grandparents are. It was never ever an issue of not going.
This year my parents are going to be on a cruise over Memorial Day. It's their 25th anniversary and I fully support their being gone and enjoying one another for a couple of weeks. But that means the responsibility of making Memorial Day what it should be falls squarely on my shoulders. Pressure.
Luckily we already made the trek out to Tooele last Sunday. I think I'd have a hard time convincing stubborn teenage siblings that they had to spend their day off in Tooele. (I don't know how my mom does it every year.) So I've got to find a way to keep the spirit of the holiday without provoking too much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Mr. Renn suggests we plan on visiting the Farmington Cemetary since it is close. Only problem is I'm not familiar with that cemetary and who is buried where there, so I wouldn't even know who/where to visit.
I think we'll be having a memorial service for the dogs. That's allowed isn't it?
I think that as long as we do something appropriate on Memorial Day, I can let the rest of the day go. They can do whatever they want with the rest. It's not quite up to my mother's high standard.... but it's something. And the next time I get a chance to go to either cemetary with my parents, I'll be paying much more attention.
1 comment:
I sent this URL to your Dad back in August and wish I had sent it to you, too.
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