Mr Renn and I were discussing ways in which our marriage has been put on the back burner with the combined stress of the baby, the move, and the non-stop study requirements of Dental School. We had started brainstorming ways to improve when Sir Oliver suddenly and inexplicably woke up screaming, and proceeded to scream for 40 minutes before falling fast asleep again. Moments like that my life really feels like a joke. So then both of my boys were asleep, no brainstorming accomplished, and no brainpower left. Rats.
There aren't words to describe how much I completely understand how you feel. Sooo many times that has happened to us and I'm sure will continue to happen as we start medical school. All I can say is that maybe sometime soon it'll pass. But maybe knowing that somebody understands will help. Being in Utah seems pretty foreign to me, without friends or family so I know it's hard. You're doing a fantastic job!
Kev and I are now in our 3rd year med school. It was tough to establish that balance. The way we did it and I soooo recommend it was Kev studied until 7 each day. He would then take 1 hour for the kids and I (we have 2) then back to the books until 1-2 in the morning. Then he took all day Sunday off just for the family. We made sure that the kids were in bed at 8 regardless of how many times I had to wake up in the night so that even if he was studying we could have cuddle time (he would wrap his arm about while he balance a book in ther other arm and I watched tv). It made a huge difference for me to understand that during study time it was like he was at work. I made sure I didn't try to talk his ear off because he had other stuff he needed to do for our family. It was tough. You've got to build a support system of friends in the area for that stuff so that when you are together it's not about issues you are having or stuff you are needing it's just about being together. The Sunday thing was the BEST thing we ever did. It was hard on dh but he said that he needed the emotional break as well as us. It has kept us going for 2 1/2 years so far. I'll be the first to admit by Wednesday each week I was close to tears ready to scream because I needed my dh but somehow my support system was there for me until Sunday where we would totally be able to bond. No school, no work just us, the fam.
I'm with Nes on this one. Taking time for each other is so crucial even though sometimes it seems impossible to squeeze it in.
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