Sir Oliver is in turbo mode with this growing thing. I had to break out the 6-9 month box tonight to get him some jammies. He has been a moody little devil today. Lots of flat out angry crying. What he's been so mad at? I sure don't know. Mr Renn thinks he might be teething. (He is a future dentist after all). It's a little bit early for that, but it's not unheard of. So, what do you do when you have a baby teething who is too young to hold a teether in his own mouth?
>>He has been a moody little devil today. Lots of flat out angry crying. What he's been so mad at? I sure don't know.<<
Kim told me about this lady on Oprah today who claims she can teach mothers of new babies what they are saying.
What happened with Gredtel at about that age was that I think she was teething and it bothered her that her teeth were moving. They didn't actually show up until she hit 5 months. But for a month or so before, every few days she'd be cranky. She chewed on cold(ish) washcloths before she could hold those teethers. My doctor also suggested tylenol, but you may want to double check first before giving him medication. Otherwise, hold on cause it'll get better in a day or two!
Hey Em,
I have been using baby orajel with Ryan and it has been a wonderful thing. It is safe for 4 months and older, works fast and I love having an alternative to tylenol or motrin (don't get me wrong they are great too).
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