Friday, December 15, 2006

Under the weather

Sir Oliver and I both woke up this morning unable to breathe. yucky endless fount of snot-throat on fire stuff. My 18 yr old brother came home from school sick as well. We're all bumming around the house today. Renn gets here tomorrow and his brother gets married tomorrow afternoon, so I hope this is a short-lived illness.

A lady from our PA ward (congregation) forwarded this photo to just about everyone she knows. I thought it was kind of sweet. ....and festive. (I must be a mom)

1 comment:

samunwritten said...

Holiday illnesses are the worst. I remember I used to get the flu right before Christmas every single year.
It was clockwork.
This year I braved the whole fear of needles thing and sucked up the flu shot. I'm praying for a good result.
I hope you both feel better!

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