Today I made my first
craigslist purchase. Sir Oliver finally has a dresser. For whatever reason the combined stress of hoping I'd contacted the seller first, then making an offer, then actually exchanging phone numbers, then meeting the seller in person to pick up the dresser all combined to
freak me out. Oh, the stress... and I am
such a loser. In the end I stayed in the truck with Sir Oliver and hyperventilated while Mr Renn handled the actual "transaction."
So now Sir Oliver has the heaviest dresser on the block. It took 4 guys to get it up the stairs to our apartment. Hooray for places to put clothes!
Hooray for one room in my home that looks remotely
on purpose.
Oh, and hooray for the cute little boy who keeps his mama going.
Looks like a perfect fit in his room... I'm braver at e-bay than I am at craigslist... the only thing we've ever gotten from Craigslist is some cords of wood for the winter- and David handled all that!
Did you have to paint it, or did it already match?
AH, I did not have to paint it - that's what sold me on it. And it has fantastic drawers with the lovely sliding hardware stuff and is all very heavy and very black. And was very cheap compared to anything else I've found that I'd have had to paint.
I love Sir Oliver's bedroom, it all fits together so nicely! What is craigslist?
I have never heard of craigslist either, but I got on it last night and they have some pretty cool stuff on there! You got a cute little dresser for your little man! He is a doll!
We use craigslist all the time...but I'm still afraid. The Cowboy usually deals with all of it he loves making those stranger trades. It's how I got my job out here and how we found our we have sold a lot of items we thought we wanted but we really didn't. The dresser looks perfect congratulations on your first craigslist transaction.
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