Monday, May 07, 2007

Makeover Monday: playing dress up

A lot of actors (/actresses) comment that they never quite completely click with a character until they are in costume. Especially with period pieces, being dressed for the part seems to make a world of difference. The way you are dressed has a physiological effect on your well-being. So perhaps I can affect how I feel on the inside (which will inevitably also translate into my face, voice, mannerisims,and behavior) with what I choose to wear.
I've started making a conscious effort to dress up, just for myself. In fact today was the first day in a week I haven't worn a skirt. I'm again taking a tip from Amelie, and this time from Emily as well and being 100% girl.
This is definitely not the first time I've tried this approach, I currently own about twice as many skirts as pants. But last time it was for my job, for work. Now the only person I'm dressing up for is myself, really.
The skirt, dress thing; it helps me feel feminine, even with the short hair. And what's even better is the effect it seems to have on the people I bump into (living in a building with 16 other families, and next to 2 other buildings with about the same.) It's like I'm saying to the people I bump into.... you are important enough that I dressed up, just for you. Most people know that I don't have anywhere "important" to go, so I'm not dressing up to impress strangers, it's for my neighbors! My husband! Sir O! Myself!

Consider it a wardrobe-twist on Nigella's mantra. Not only am I, by myself, worth cooking for.... I'm also worth dressing up for.


Anonymous said...

I am so with you on the dressing up thing. I have been trying to dress up more as well, just not to the extent of skirts/dresses. I think it is pretty good feat for me to stay in normal clothes all day and not think about changing back into my pajamas. So while you are one step ahead of me, thanks for the push.

Deena said...

When I chopped all of my hair off for the first time, my mom told me that I should always wear earrings. I guess that's why I've had the same pair of earrings in for almost eight years now. Having them in does make me feel a little more feminine--especially with my super short hair.

em said...

I'm the complete opposite, but I admire the girls who pull off skirts so well. Maybe a few months of stay-at-home-motherhood may change my mind, but right now I'm loving the fact that I can get away with track pants and t-shirts every day. My poor neglected skirts only come out for Sundays or special occasions. And then I feel woefully underdressed.

Also, I can't figure out how to make my blog show up on my profile...wierd.

Guess I'm not THAT ashamed of it quite yet :) Just don't expect frequent updates!

tracy m said...

What a good idea... how's that work with being on the ground with babies, though? That would be my only hesitation...

But I do love the idea of taking care and being pretty just to please myself. I may try that today!

Em said...

li'l mil - I lived in pajamas for 4 months after Sir O was born. After a while you get really tired of how living in pajamas makes you feel about yourself.

But it took me 4 months to get tired of it!

Tracy - the secret is that at home I figure I'm indecently exposed half of the time on the top half anyway, so if my skirt doesn't stay exactly in place all the time, no biggie.

But I admit, going outside and playing on the grass with Sir O in a skirt is a trick. Possible, but tricky.

Chantele Sedgwick said...

I have a hard time dressing up. I have been living in my pj's since Kinley was born! That was 3 months ago! I am really not a stylish person, and I would like to start dressing cute. Not only for myself, but for David and my kids also. It makes me feel good when I think I look cute! Thanks for getting me to think....:)

Anonymous said...

First of all, I love my wife no matter what she's wearing...and I support her in this mentality, not really because looking nice is partly for me, but rather because she seems happier. And my old bishop once said, "If momma ain't happy, nobody's happy."

Brittany said...

I love wearing skirts too, but I am a girly girl to say the least. I am always on the hunt for cute skirts, I especially love old fashioned styles. I'm not so much into the trends that are in the stores right now. Let me know if you know of where to find some cute ones!

Guinevere said...

I'm going to have to try this! I just got a couple new skirts. It's been so sad to put away my cute teaching garb, since baby drool/spitup/etc + dry clean only = more money than I'm ready to spend right now.

I'm totally fighting the urge to cut my hair right now, since it's all falling out anyway. (Make someone else sweep it up....) Your darling 'do isn't helping!

Em said...

It definitely helps me that Sir I is ALMOST entirely over the spit-up thing. He still surprises us every once in a while.

And I'm one of those wicked people who washes dry-clean only clothes, then line dries them.

Em said...

Um, I meant Sir O
Don't worry, there's no kids I'm hiding!

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