Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Summer 'do

Doesn't it seem like we just barely cut his hair? Yeah, well we did. But every time I would take him outside in the REAL light I'd notice another spot where he'd not cooperated and things looked all skiwompus. So last night we relented and pulled out the clippers.

Yeah, he looks about 10 years older.... again.

It's a good thing hair grows, and his grows oh so fast.

He's still cute though. Can't wait to show you his happiness, just waiting for YouTube to get its act together.


Deena said...

He looks so grown up in those pictures! And so stinkin' cute.

Clay said...

Oh wow! Cute boy! I found myself scrunching my face up too!
clayton and katie may

tracy m said...

Oh the cuteness!! He does look so much older! Love the video.

Brittany said...

Sir O has so many great facial expressions. I love them!

aLi said...

I canNOT believe how animated he is! Well, I guess I can. But wow, he just seems to be so much older than he really is! What a little dolly. Don't you love these little moments of first discoveries? If they hear the fridge start running they stop, and try to figure what that noise is. Amazing what they notice.

Anonymous said...

wow! what a cute boy you have! he always seems so happy to be alive, be greatful for that! i'm really happy that you have such a happy boy, he smiles like you.

Anonymous said...

What a darling expressive happy baby. These photos show how very much he knows he is loved!

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