Thursday, June 14, 2007


I love it that my boys and I can just hang out together and have such a great time.

I love it that Mr Renn loves hanging out with us enough to do it even when he has finals coming up next week.

I love it that Oliver would rather play with the remote control and a water bottle than any of his toys.
At our house "I'm so glad when Daddy comes home" rings totally true. You should see Oliver's face light up when Renn walks through the door.

One very talkative boy:

And a bit of a crash-landing:


Deena said...

What is it with remote controls and water bottles? I think every baby loves those. Maybe I'll rethink shower gifts...

aLi said...

Aw, what a nice post. It's so enjoyable to be able to relate with you on those accounts!... (remote control, water bottle, glad when daddy comes home, those all apply here).

Chantele Sedgwick said...

When dada walks through the door, mommy isn't there anymore. Both of my kids LOVE their dad! I think it is sweet. Don't you love just hanging out with the fam? Even if you aren't doing anything at all?

--jeff * said...

i love it.

Anonymous said...

He is just the cutest boy ever. So talkative. I cant wait to see him!

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