Monday, June 04, 2007

Sir O and his favorites

Sir Oliver is really really into books lately. He's also been jabbering a lot. Super fun time to be a parent. Here's a glimpse of all this in a long-ish video:


Deena said...

He's got some mad skills. And he is adorable.

Anonymous said...

This little cherub is just like his mama! She never could get enough book time in any one day:)

aLi said...

Wow, he seems so much older to me than he really is! I'm impressed with how he picks up the books and looks and studies them. He's a skilled book reader... for his age. :)

Chantele Sedgwick said...

Is there a reason you have double strollers on your wish list? Or, are you just planning ahead!:)

Em said...

Ha ha! TOTALLY planning ahead.... and checking to see if anyone actually checks my wishlist....because I knew I'd get a response like that!

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