Thursday, June 28, 2007

We went West today.

Beginning in a disclaimerly fashion:
Medical emergencies consisted of my sister waking up at 3 am experiencing alarming swelling of her gums. When your gums start to swell into your braces it can certainly interrupt your sleep. Luckily we have a dental student in the house. But waking up to take care of the first medical emergency woke up Sir Oliver, and in our sunburnt desperation for sleep we brought him to bed with us, and naturally the moment we both passed out from exhaustion, he fell off the bed. Goose eggs and swollen gums ...... sunburns and intense fatigue..... that sort of medical emergencies.

Today was mellow road-trip day. We went out to Lancaster county (Amish country), and stopped at a touristy spot in a town called Intercourse. Yup, that's right. I guess Amish people don't have dirty minds like the rest of us, so they thought it a perfectly appropriate name.
Then we took a scenic drive out to Hershey, PA. We did the obligatory factory tour, and I got the obligatory kiss-lightpost photo. Unfortunately the camera battery was dying, so none of my photos of the scenic driving actually made it onto the memory card. But by golly, it was pretty!


Deena said...

Glad to know that none of the emergencies were too serious. Also glad to know that Glitter isn't the only one to have fallen off the bed lately. Nice that you get to live in such a fun place...

samunwritten said...

LOL! I want one of those shirts!

aLi said...

hee hee. I'm thinking of being rather deviant and copying your T-Shirt picture onto my blog then using it as a profile picture.
What would the neighbors think??

tracy m said...

Oh yeah, my kids have fallen out of bed. Well, mostly Jeffrey, but he is the one who still tries (every night) to sleep with us. He actually asleep on the floor right next to my bed right now. I almost stepped on him when I got up!

Do what you gotta do to get some sleep.

You do so many wonderful things in your area- we've lived here five years, and I don't think we've done as much sight seeing as you have in a year...

And, oh MY! Sir O is getting SO big! You can really tell in the shot of you and your sister while you hold him.

Glad your sisters mouth seems better. Yay for dental students!

Katie May said...

Yay! Right where those Hershey kisses are, if you head the opposite direction of the factory, that's where our townhouse is! We have all those same picture spots. And my sister even has a bumber sticker of "I 'heart' Intercourse" that she keeps threatening to put on her husband's car.

I'm glad you're all okay! We're getting excited to move so close to you all!

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to go to chocolate land! I just love chocolate!

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