Sunday, July 15, 2007

sigh of relief...the happy kind

One happy birthday party pulled off.
Only a few hitches.
Like the part where I was too "busy" to be a good hostess
and the part where there's not a single picture on my camera.
Never fear, I thought of that in advance, and asked my cousin to take pictures. Someone told me she took over 500. Hopefully we'll get a glimpse here soon.
SO nice to see my friends (plural)in real life.
Even nicer to meet a friend in real life.

Life is good.
I'm pooped.
And we're leaving to go camping for a week at 8am tomorrow.
little yikes.


tracy m said...

Can't wait to see pictures! And really jealous that you and HSF got to hang out... I miss all the fun!

Hope camping is good, and you get a little break. Again, that cake was gorgeous.

Deena said...

I have green eyes!

Chantele Sedgwick said...

I wish I could have come! I had a family party to go to that I didn't really know about until Friday, so that was fun. I hope everything went well! It was so good to see you on Thursday!!!:) Sir O is so cute!

Leith said...

It was so good seeing you again, even if it did leave us wanting just one more minute with you. You are as amazing as ever, and I still want to be just like you when I grow up. Love you Em.

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