help us, we're melting.
94 degrees and 50% humidity.
and our lovely A/C units hardly put a dent in it (about a 3 foot dent, wanna stand in 1 place all day?) and are SO DANG EXPENSIVE to run.
it's making us all ornery.
We escaped to Ikea for a few hours today...looks like we will be doing all sorts of window-shopping just to beat the heat!
Oh, I know the feeling. It's not near that humid, but it's been some hot, hot heat.
My roommate gets mad when I turn on the AC (a cool house is not a priority for her), so I can only do it when she's not home. AND, I never get the covered parking space so when I get around to leaving the house every day, about 4:00, my car has been cooking in the hot, hot heat all day long.
I'm praying for fall.
I hate the humidity. Come over and you and Oliver can go swimming.
Your idea to escape and go window shopping is good and bad... good for escaping to the A/C, bad because, if you are like me, you might end up spending $$$ that you can't spend. Good luck with that!
Don't worry, if Mr Renn is with me, not a penny will get spent. He's very intense that way.
OOOO I feel your pain. Idea for you though. I finally after 3 years of suffering through the a/c not keeping up with the heat and me not surviving with all the kids and heat I finally made black out curtains. Keeps out heat from the Sun. They also look cute too. Kev wants me to make more for the rest of the windows because our a/c bill went down from averaging $150 a month to $80 a month. Go me! I also got a cute living room!!! It also keeps out the cold during the winter. I highy recommend it. :-)
Ah, how well I remember what you are suffering through! There are varying levels of functional AC's in that apartment complex. Ours at least cooled our whole front room. Find out which of the seniors in the complex have a good AC and when they move swap yours for theirs. At least that could help you be cool for the last two years. Of course, you do begin to climatize eventually. Best wishes in your sauna.
>>help us, we're melting.<<
Ohhhhh! You cursed brat! Look what you've done! I'm melting! Melting! Oh, what a world! What a world! Who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy my beautiful wickedness?
Ohhhhh! Look out! Look out! I'm going. Ohhhhh - Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
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