Tuesday, July 31, 2007

roots and wings

Well, we are home and intact.
that's a good thing.
Sir Oliver is not adjusting back to his hot and humid bedroom very well.
that's a bad thing.
It feels really good to be in my own home.
that's a good thing.
My own home seems cluttered and tiny and tattered after my vacation....effect of staying in a real house where things actually get fixed and the walls don't crumble when you touch them.
that's a not-so-good-thing.
We don't seem to know what to do with ourselves anymore...we've gotten so used to always having company. We've temporarily lost the knack of enjoying the company of "just us"
that's a "not particularly worrisome" "it will pass" bad thing.
Sir O screams like a banshee when we set him in his crib.
that's a bad thing.
I'm terribly anxious to get to work cleaning and organizing and taking back my home from the unpacking aftermath.
that's a good thing.
I'm too tired to do it before tomorrow.
that's a "go figure"-type-thing.
You were praying for us, I could tell. Sir O did quiet well for our monster flight and slept for 3 hours of it.
that's a great thing.
And did I mention that Sir Oliver is pitching fits about sleeping in his own bed? We are exhausted and he is screaming?
Definitely not a good thing.


Kori said...

So glad you made it home safely and that Oliver (and you guys) survived the flight. Best of luck recovering from your long vacation. Oh, and, earplugs...definitely a good thing!

tracy m said...

Oh Honey! I hope Sir O wore himself out and finally fell asleep... well, of course he must have! Isn't being home a wonderful feeling? Both types of home.

Very glad the flight wasn't horrid- I know how had that is. Beanie.. ugh.

If I remember right, your kitchen is all torn apart? Hope it's not too much work...

Get a good night's rest, and things will look better in the morning.

If you feel the need for some company, call me. I'll be home all day... :) (I owe you a letter, anyway, but I have to wonder if your worries are different now than when you wrote it...?)

Deena said...

What? The apartment fairies didn't show up while you were gone? I'm feeling your pain with the humidity. ick.

Ginnie said...

Me having my friends back home...
A very good thing.

I'm glad you made it home safe!

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