Saturday, October 27, 2007

how to create a load of laundry in 5 minutes, and otherwise induce chaos

Hey look Mr Renn, it's stopped raining.
Let's go out in the mud and try to take a family photo before all the trees are bare.
(And nevermind the part where Sir O and I are snot buckets and I have a migraine)
I'll bet we can get some cute pictures of Sir O while we are at it...Hmmm maybe that snot glaze on his face could be a good thing.
Oh wait Oliver, don't pick those red berry-thingies up out of the mud!
Don't eat it! You ate it!

Mr Renn tries to fish red berries out of the mouth, they are probably poisonous, right?

Hmm... well I guess it's time for mom to put the camera down and fish them out herself.

You know, maybe a sick, cranky baby and a sick cranky mom aren't such a hot combination for photo-taking.
Time to give up and drag our sorry, muddy selves home.


Deena said...

Oh. I'm sorry your pictures didn't go so well. You look so great in that first picture. I think my favorite, though, is the last one. That could sum up a lot of days.

Vanessa and Rebecca said...

I thought you did a great photo essay on the life of a mother. :-) It did look like a great day for a photo shoot. And I agree with glittersmama, you look great in teh first photo.

tracy m said...

I would TOTALLY use the last one in a Christmas card!! It tells a thousand words. Perfect!

(You do look nice in the first- but the last one is BINGO.)

aLi said...

I'm so sorry for what I'm about to type...
HA HA HA HA HA!!! That was hilarious. I really enjoyed laughing thriugh that post. (I have a sick sense of humor - something about people in distress cracks me up. Maybe I need therapy.)
ANYWAY, sorry, Em that your pictures didn't ALL turn out the way you wanted. I agree with everyone else's comments. First one, very classy looking. Last one, also a sort of classiness to it. Like, classic motherhood look. Thanks for sharing!

Chantele Sedgwick said...

Sad Em! That reminds me of a few of my days! Well, at least you look cute! Sorry you had a bad day, but the pictures were fun to see!:)

samunwritten said...

That's all I need to say.

Kaydee said...

Wow that seems like quite the day!

Angela said...

I love that sequence of pictures. They express the experience so very well. I also can't believe how beautiful it is there. How quickly we forget. P.S. I love your hair.

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