Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Sir O likes Halloween about as much as he likes getting shots.
So he was an "almost lion" for most of the evening. Because he HATES to dress up, and will keep NOTHING on his head for a solid second. (Renn and I were pirates.... and Renn managed to escape the camera.... I'll fix that situation tomorrow!)

This is where Renn assured me that we'd gotten a "good" photo of Oliver with the headpiece on and begged me to stop torturing him. Liar Liar pants on fire.

Our ward (church congregation) pretty much rocked at costumes. I love it when people actually dress up with gusto. (Why do it halfway?) Here's Oliver's "almost lion" with neighbor Cole's zebra. Everybody loves Lee.
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette... candid.
A tin man made of metal roofing material and a very large funnel. (His wife was an awesome Dorothy... and I told Mr Renn to get a photo of their whole family. Again he's losing camera privileges)
And EVERYBODY loved the Incredibles. Costumes hand made. I kid you not. Happy Halloween Eve to you!


aLi said...

Hmm, that gives me some good ideas for costumes! I haven't 100% decided on what me and Josh will dress up. I am probably going to qualify as "those people that don't put their whole heart into it." Have fun trick or treating tomorrow night! (You get to eat the candy! Sir O is too young to put up a fight about it!)

Deena said...

Oliver is an adorable little lion. Your ward looks so fun. I wasn't going to dress up tomorrow...I'm rethinking that now.

hairyshoefairy said...

Excellent costumes!! Oliver's lion costume is so fun! I love the yarn lion hair for his mane. Too cute.

Also, I'm laughing about Renn losing camera privileges. I'm too much of a control freak to let go of the camera and let NYDD take pictures. :S

Brittany said...

Oh so cute lion (with or without the mane on.) What a fun ward, it's pretty rare to find people who get that into Halloween. Can't wait to see more pictures. And, it's getting me excited for Halloween next year, when I will have a little one to put all the fun into!

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