Sunday, November 18, 2007

cinema and real life and fate and me

Late last night I watched Miss Potter with a mostly sleeping Mr Renn. While cinematically it didn't exactly floor me, the story itself did. I'm still trying to find out how much of it happened just as depicted (thank heavens for wikipedia), but regardless, what a sad story! What an unfortunate series of events! I can't seem to get over it.

Do you ever feel intensely emotionally connected to persons long dead?


Deena said...

I'm adding it to my netflix right now.

aLi said...

Yes. I bawled for her, too. It was going to be one of my favorite movies until I bawled. I hate bawling, so it's not a fave. But what a good show! I'm glad you reminded me of this movie, because I would happily watch it again.

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