Saturday, November 24, 2007

Sir O for hire

If anyone needs their Christmas tree un-decorated in 45 seconds flat (the bottom 3 feet of it anyway)... Sir O is for hire. He will even neatly stack your ornaments inside of whatever container he has recently fished out of the trash. Money.

We had a great morning pigging out at the Shady Maple with some friends. Contentment. Well, gluttony actually.


tracy m said...

Yeah, we have one of those at our house this year, too. The only thing here it, when she drops them on the wooden floors, they break!

I'm pulling my hair out.

One year, when Jeff was little, we did n't even decorate the whole bottom half of the tree. Then, we found him IN the tree, with a lightbulb IN his mouth. So the bottom half of the tree was naked of not only ornaments, but lights too! It was lovely. Truly.

Unknown said...

And THAT is why our Christmas tree is top-heavy with all our decorations up high!

Anonymous said...

Well congrats on getting the Christmas decorations out already! Thats awesome! But too funny with all the stories/comments....guess there is a perk to having a four year old =)

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