Thursday, January 24, 2008


Scenes from a tubby.

Sir O has caught on lightning-quick to the "where's your (body-part) game"
My brother taught me the "where's your teeth?" trick for pictures, and these are the resulting teeth exhibits. Isn't Sir O a cheeser?

And Mr Renn has been deathly ill for two days. We're just reaching the light at the end of it. Oh, the drama. He would never survive as a mother. Oh, and please oh please oh please don't let me get sick!


Ginnie said...

I'm sorry renn's not feeling well, it's very hard to have a sick husband- I know from experience.

Brittany said...

Get well wishes to Renn, and praying you don't get sick too. I think Sir O looks like your little sis (at least the way I remember her 10 years ago) in some of those pictures.

KT Hodges said...

I TOTALLY TOTALLY agree that Oliver looks like Rebecca in these pictures...So dang cute!
Sorry Renns not feeling well.

Chell said...

Hope Renn is feeling better... These pictures are so precious. It is great you are capturing all these memoires.

Angela said...

He is getting so grown-up! I love the hair.

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