Tuesday, March 11, 2008

brace yourself....

Well, not really.
I'm the one that needs to be doing the bracing.
Here we head into the vacationish part of Mr Renn's spring break.
  • Tomorrow we day trip down to D.C. in the cold.... with a toddler.
  • Thursday we drive 6+ hours to Boston.... with a toddler.
  • Friday and Saturday we stay at my dear friend Ari's (not yet babyproofed) house..... with a toddler. (With the added bonus of trying to keep her new baby safe from our toddler).
  • One of those days we will troll around Boston again... in the cold.... with a toddler.
  • Sunday we will attempt to attend a church up there..... with a toddler.
  • Then we will drive the 6+ hours back home.... with a toddler.
I almost wonder if you couldn't play that incredibly mature game that so many people play (or have played) with hymns..... and add "with a toddler" to the end of every title to see how it changes the meaning. It somehow seems a little bit less juvenile than the "in the bathroom" and "in bed" versions........

Not that I've ever done that.


Anonymous said...

Ooooooh. Good luck! It ought to make for some fun pictures...

Chantele Sedgwick said...

Good luck! I can't wait to see pictures!

aLi said...

Good luck! I feel your pain! !!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are a brave woman.

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